Shree Bharath Vidyaashram, the first school from the prestigious BHARATH group of institutions was inaugurated in 2016, by Dr.S.Jagathrakshakan, former Minitster of State, Govt. of India and Chairman, Bharath group of institutions.Being a part of the legendary Bharath Group, SBV is the dream child of its founder, Dr.S.Jagathrakshakan, launched with the noble aim to provide quality education at affordable costs to the children in the neighbourhood, especially to those from the economically and socially weaker sections.The school had a humble beginning with 200 students from classes Pre-KG to Class VII and in the very subsequent year found an overwhelming response from the parents with the student strength in the academic year 2017 – 18 nearing 1000.SBV provides high class quality infrastructure, latest teaching pedagogies, qualified, trained and motivated staff, abundant play area encouraging both indoor, outdoor activities and comfortable & safe transport.